Function outsourcing - adding agility and economies of scale and skill

Seven questions to find the Gap

Can you (or your delegate) answer most questions/statements with a strong 'yes'?

  1. In the last 3-5 years, have members of our company board visited a functional outsourcing provider for the purpose of benchmarking our processes or learning about the latest digitalization trends? 

  2. Do we have access to industry benchmark information regarding the size of our personnel, such as data from The Hackett Group? 

  3. Are our employees satisfied with the performance of functions such as human resources and information systems? 

  4. Do we have a 360-degree review process in place for these functions? 

  5. Are we satisfied with the performance, reporting, speed, and capabilities of our finance, human resources, procurement, and/or legal teams? 

  6. Have we engaged in internal process standardization or process mining to improve our operations? 

  7. Do we have functional leaders who view outsourcing as an opportunity for strategic engagement, rather than a threat? 

  8. (Bonus question): Have we defined with our team what is considered core and non-core for our company?

If you answered „yes“ to most questions, great!

You have your core/non-core strategy under control.

If you answered ‘no’ or are unsure about it, you most likely have an excellent opportunity to improve your margins and customer experience.

Feel free to get in contact for an exploratory dialogue with helmig advisory AG to assess “the art of the possible”.


Operations outsourcing - full or partial


Aligning corporate design with culture & markets