Operations outsourcing - adding agility and resilience

Seven questions to find the Gap

Can you (or your delegate) answer most questions/statements with a strong 'yes'?

  1. Our company regularly performs benchmarking between our products and those of our competitors through the use of competitive tear-down analysis. 

  2. These results are verified and discussed at the boardroom level to inform strategic decision-making. 

  3. We have a thorough understanding of the External Manufacturing Services (EMS) industry and the capabilities of its suppliers and we leverage this knowledge to utilize their strengths. 

  4. Our competition, including companies from different continents, typically operates at a higher cost, lower margins, or lower quality than our own company. 

  5. Customer feedback, gathered through interviews using open-ended questions, indicate that they value our company's vertical integration. 

  6. When exploring new geographical markets, we consider all manufacturing options with an open mind, including in-house and outsourced production, as well as just licensing our intellectual property. 

  7. Our team has defined what is considered core and non-core for our company and we have challenged and evaluated this perspective with input from our customers, shareholders, and suppliers.

If you answered ‘yes’ to most questions, great!

You have the right setup for your business.

If you answered ‘no’ or are unsure about it, you most likely have an excellent opportunity to improve your margins and value chain.

Feel free to get in contact for an exploratory dialogue with helmig advisory AG to assess the art of the possible.


Function outsourcing