Aligning corporate organizational design to culture & markets
Ten questions to find the Gap
Can you (or your delegate) answer most questions/statements with a strong 'yes'?
Within our organization, there are no significant performance disparities across different regions, functions, and business units.
The roles and responsibilities of each large organizational dimension are clearly defined and documented for all employees.
We have knowledge of benchmarks for corporate headquarters staffing in our industry or similar organizational structures.
Directions from the Corporate HQ are executed efficiently throughout each organization, including in our various business and geographical units.
The "record-to-report" process runs smoothly, with few surprises.
We experience minimal issues in our supply chain, marketing & sales, and service in our businesses and regions.
New acquisitions are integrated within a 12-18 month timeframe and perform at or above their previous levels.
There is little to no animosity between headquarters staff and business/regional head offices.
Our customers are satisfied with the marketing and selling channels we utilize and our competitors have not gained a significant market share through changes in selling channels in the last five years.
Senior management positions in corporate headquarters are filled with personnel from regions and businesses, and there is a regular rotation on lower hierarchy levels.