The Supply Chain Dialogues - Podcast

Ep. 14: Start a Quality Revolution 2.0 - or: A good product is no longer good enough!

Ep. 14: Start a Quality Revolution 2.0 - or: A good product is no longer good enough!

"Quality is like having an ice cream on a summer’s day: you must lick it constantly. Otherwise, you have a mess on your hands". Quality, most people assume, is a given. But is it? Do not most of us ‘have a mess on our hands’? Do you still remember the feeling when you bought a product at home that was DOA or broken shortly after use? Or the last time you ordered something, and it did not arrive in time? How about being charged wrongly, or the return policy was confusing? These instances are examples of poor quality and negatively impact the customer experience.

It is time to start a quality revolution.


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Ep. 13: Who does What ? Where? And Why? Who tells whom what to do? - Aligning the "Division of Labour" with your organisation’s purpose, strategy and financial goals

Ep. 13: Who does What ? Where? And Why? Who tells whom what to do? - Aligning the "Division of Labour" with your organisation’s purpose, strategy and financial goals

Welcome to the third and final instalment of our mini-series on organisation design. We believe that aligning your organisation's design with the culture and markets it operates in can significantly reduce the need for costly redesigns and organisational reshuffling.Today, we will delve deeply into the overarching theme of "division of labour," a concept many companies consider strangely as a given. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, we believe an organisation can mitigate friction between functions, positions, and hierarchical levels, allocating resources to work collaboratively for the firm's customers and products.

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Ep. 12: Stopping constant organizational re-design by fixing the functional design

Ep. 12: Stopping constant organizational re-design by fixing the functional design

What is the correct procurement setup? Central, de-central, or hybrid? If you had asked this question before 2010, many of my peers and I would have provided a very different answer then vs now. Life moved on, and today’s world requires more sophisticated, agile functional designs.

This is the second instalment of the mini-series about organisation design. We believe that if you design your organisation in line with the culture and the surrounding markets, the costly need for re-designing and organisational reshuffling can be minimised.


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Ep. 11: Stopping constant organizational re-design by fixing the corporate headquarters set-up

Ep. 11: Stopping constant organizational re-design by fixing the corporate headquarters set-up

How long ago was your last re-organization? Did you move to matrix, global, glocal, central, de-central, or regional? And how about the re-organization before? Was it complementary to what you are doing now, or the other way around? When sitting in business divisions or regions, how do you assess the work done by the folks in headquarters? And if you are sitting in headquarters, are the regions and divisions doing a good job, in your opinion?

In part 1 of our mini-series on organizational design, we hone in on the Corporate Headquarters, and how to do it right - once.


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