The Supply Chain Dialogues - Podcast

S02E06 - Supply Chain - Unveiling untold truth in commercial interactions or: What your parents never told you…
sourcing, supply chain, procurement, negotiations Daniel Helmig sourcing, supply chain, procurement, negotiations Daniel Helmig

S02E06 - Supply Chain - Unveiling untold truth in commercial interactions or: What your parents never told you…

In this episode of The Supply Chain Dialogues podcast, Daniel & Noah talk about a number of untold truths in commercial dealings from a procurement perspective. You have to decide yourself, what is applicable and what not.


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S02E05 - GHG - Game Theory or...what robbing a bank and getting to net zero have in common

S02E05 - GHG - Game Theory or...what robbing a bank and getting to net zero have in common

There is a field in economics, that is a good bet to excel in if you like to earn a Nobel prize. Up to now, 15 scientists receive it in this field. We're talking about game theory. Game theory solutions can be applied to all walks of life including negotiations between states, companies, or how to solve nearly unsolvable dilemmas for mankind. Now, besides scientists, there are companies that play in this field. TWS Partners is the leading economics consulting firm with a strong focus in game theory since 2001.

Dr. Sebastian Moritz and Daniel talk about how to apply game theory when robbing a bank, or achieving net zero emissions for a company.


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S02E04 - Tips - Surviving and thriving the first 90 days.

S02E04 - Tips - Surviving and thriving the first 90 days.

Do you remember what it was like when you started a new job? The mix of anticipation and anxiety, navigating unfamiliar territory, and wishing you had a guidebook to help you through those early days? I certainly do, especially when I began my career in operations and progressed to higher positions within the corporate ladder. Someone who could provide a blueprint for success would have been so precious and could have prevented me from getting a few bloody noses.

In this episode, we will address this not-so-unique situation and give a few tips to survive and thrive in the first 90 days. 

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Ep. 05: Procurement - on ‘steroids’ or: improving margins - for real
procurement Daniel Helmig procurement Daniel Helmig

Ep. 05: Procurement - on ‘steroids’ or: improving margins - for real

The times when strategic sourcing was solely a procurement function topic, with the main focus on cost and supply base management, are long gone.
Today, epidemics, natural and man-made disasters or disruptions are happening far too often for a cost-based, multi-layered value chain.

While the issues getting more and more complex, and the speed of change is dizzying, our internal corporate coping mechanisms often stay as simple and inadequate as 20-30 years before.

So, what needs to change?

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Ep. 04: Creating a digital supply chain twin - operating at the speed of thought
procurement, digitalization, digital twin Daniel Helmig procurement, digitalization, digital twin Daniel Helmig

Ep. 04: Creating a digital supply chain twin - operating at the speed of thought

Digital transformation, Internet of Things, blockchain, OpenAI and ChatGPT happen for most companies more in the media and consultant presentations than in their own world. There is scepticism, disbelief, and maybe even panic, followed by short bursts of activism that typically die quickly like fireflies.

So, what shall we do about it, and why? The podcast takes the topic from the latest blog, and dives deeper. Enjoy.

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