”Close The Gap” - Blog

Our podcast episodes as articles.

‘Defragment'​ your business via Process Mining: gain speed, cash flow, and profitability in days

‘Defragment'​ your business via Process Mining: gain speed, cash flow, and profitability in days

Process Mining is playing perfect TETRIS with your processes - it is lean an six sigma, infused with 21st-century digitalization. It is super-fast, and can help any company to gain speed, better cash flow, and higher revenue and customer satisfaction.

As always, we just have to do it - and accept that only very few people in leadership positions internally have experience with it - since it is just 10-15 years old. So, who leads with agility and digitalization in mind?

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Creating a digital supply chain twin - operating at the speed of thought

Creating a digital supply chain twin - operating at the speed of thought

Digital transformation, Internet of Things, blockchain, OpenAI and ChatGPT happen for most companies more in the media and consultant presentations than in their own world. There is scepticism, disbelief, and maybe even panic, followed by short bursts of activism that typically die quickly like fireflies. 

So, what shall we do about it, and why?

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