A short welcome: Closing gaps and lovin’ it
Dear reader, if you are looking for the potential that supply chain, procurement, quality, operations, and corporate management offers - this one is for you.
For more years than I care to remember, I've worked in, led, and transformed global operations, quality, supply chains, and procurement in five industries. Many colleagues, business partners, and friends have told me to write down my unique approach to change and solution design over the years.
Initially, the blog posts will be structured around the services of helmig advisory AG. Each will follow a particular structure: Introduction of the topic - Questions on finding the gaps (also available on helmigadvisory.com) - Size of the prize - Potential solution set-up - Beware of pitfalls. It loosely follows the Six Sigma DMAIC process: Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control.
I don't promise that I will always stick to this structure, but as statistician George Box once said, "All models are wrong, but some are useful."
Without further ado, here it is. Feel free to comment and suggest topics for me to cover.
Let’s be safe and bold.
PS: Want to read & hear more? Sign-up for the “Close the Gap” blog and podcast.