In value chains, Gaps are tough to spot.

We help you to find and close them.

Work with Daniel Helmig and his team.

Daniel led and transformed global supply chains, procurement, operations & quality management, and large corporate setups.

Industries included OEM automotive, semiconductor, power & automation, FMCG, and professional services.


After decades of trial & error in five industries, I have curated a set of questionnaires designed to uncover the hidden gaps in operations, supply chain, procurement, quality, ESG, and even corporate design.

These questions have been pressure-tested not only within my organisations but also with hundreds of corporate partners.

Be amazed by your insights!

From there it is just a small step to significant, even transformational improvement.

Dialogues & Master Classes


Let’s talk about what matters most to you - in a relaxed setting.

We build on our joint knowledge, facts & figures from business and academia to find solutions that will fit you.

Master Classes

You can choose from an array of topics we cover in our services and podcasts. Join our live sessions and get actionable insights and expert tools.

Podcast & Blog

“The Supply Chain Dialogues" podcast.

In Season 1 Daniel talks with AI-mee, an AI-generated ‘co-host’, about the topics we are passionate about. Season 2 includes brilliant guests from the fields of business and academia. We talk about GHG emission reduction, supply chain optimisation, and corporate survival tactics. Season 3 is all about Sustainability, with a focus on the path to Net Zero GHG emissions.

The "Close the Gap" blog expands on the questions we ask in our Advisory Services. We analyse the background and provide potential solutions on each topic.