Has your Procurement entered the 21st Century?

Ten questions to find a Gap

Can you (or your delegate) answer most questions/statements with a strong 'yes'?

  1. We recently implemented an updated code of conduct for both our buyers and suppliers that are strictly adhered to and not just a formality. All three aspects of the triple bottom line (Profit, People, Planet) are addressed and tracked via metrics internally.

  2. In the past five years, we have not experienced any disruptions in production due to the unavailability of products. 

  3. Our compliance rate for sourcing with approved suppliers is over 90% for direct materials and 70% for indirect materials and services. 

  4. We have a strategic sourcing process in place, and our procurement professionals are regularly certified both internally and externally. They have been granted a "licence to buy".

  5. We have annual supplier innovation days (which include topics such as teaming up on GHG emission reductions)

  6. Our buyers utilize various tools and techniques such as Porter's Five Forces, global supply market analysis, linear performance pricing, total cost pricing, and cost estimating. 

  7. We receive monthly performance reports on our supply chain's performance in areas such as cost, quality, delivery, and innovation. 

  8. 70%+ of our direct material volume is sourced from partners that are digitally connected, both commercially and operationally. 

  9. Our procurement professionals are highly sought-after talents throughout the company.

  10. In those areas we outsourced, performance remains stable - no major issues on the commercial or operational front.

If you answered ‘yes’ to most questions, great! 

You brought your procurement into the 21st century and under control.

If you answered ‘no’ or are unsure about it, you have most likely an excellent opportunity to make your company more resilient, sustainable, and profitable.

Feel free to get in contact for an exploratory dialogue with helmig advisory AG to assess the art of the possible.

This topic is also featured in a blog post and soon in a podcast.


Risk reduction through contract standardization